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포토 석탄

KOTITI conducts internationally reliable quality tests for coal as an Authorized Analysis Agency by KOLAS.


  • 'Coal' is a combustible carbonitride changed from plant waste of the geographical age by ground pressure and heat through sedimentation and eco- chemical process.


  • A coal will burn without making smoke with good carbonization with (3 ~ 7) % of small amount of volatile mass and (85 ~ 95) % of plenty amount of fixed carbon. Therefore there are short flame without smoke with burning. It will not be changed into coke as non-cohesive property. Ignition point is about 490 ℃ and not easy to be flammable but has intensive flame and maintain constant temperature with continuous combustion.

Bituminous coal

  • A coal with black or dark black color and glass polish or resinous luster black coal. It has long flame and makes smokes with its own odor of combustion. It carbonization degree is higher than lignite and lower than anthracite. The carbon content of bituminous coal is around (60 ~ 80) %, and hydrogen content is (4 ~ 6) %.


  • it is a coal with the lowest carbonization degree from all coals with dark brown color and it is possible to see the tissue by eyes such as raw wooden shape ·growth ring·stems and so on. It has lots of moisture and volatile mass and consists about 45 % of entire coal deposit. Its carbon content is about (60 ~ 70) % as the lowest amount of component.
  • ※ KOTITI provides services based on test methods of KS, ISO, ASTM, etc.
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