[비의류제품] Internally-bonded sewing threads and processes for production thereof 출판일 : 1995.07.01 저자 : J. && P. Coats Ltd, R. M. Gailey, P. E. Sperling, L. A. Bathie and A. E. Suttle 서지사항 : 1994, EP 0 597 958, 25 May. Priority application: United States, 741053, 5 August 1991. (94W/04850) 등록일 : 2016.11.02 I 조회수 : 146 작성자 : |
The production and structure of internally-bonded sewing threads are disclosed. The threads claimed consist of three multifilament yarns wrapped helically around a thermoplastic bonding core yarn. A precursor plied yarn is prepared which is then heat-treated to provide an internally-bonded sewing thread. The invention also provides batch and continuous processes for converting the precursor yarn into internally-bonded sewing thread. IPC D02G.